John Ronan

Marcin Szef
Associate Principal

Marcin joined the office in 2008 and serves as a Project Architect for the firm. His professional interest lies in the area of technology, new materials and digital fabrication, and he possesses the innate ability to figure out damn near anything. Marcin holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University of California in Los Angeles and a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from the University of Illinois at Chicago. His Shiatsu digital fabrication project at UCLA was published in the book Digital Fabrication. He has worked on a wide variety of projects at JRA, ranging from single family residences to high rise office buildings. Before joining the office, Marcin worked for Daly Genik Architects and contributed to interactive LED display programming and fabrication, exhibition design and institutional building projects. Outside of work, Marcin devotes most of his free time to his new, beautiful twins. If he isn’t spending all of his time with his kids, he also enjoys carpentry, furniture building, soccer, beer making, and the occasional pig roast. Born in Poland, Marcin speaks three languages - English, computer and Polish. Sto Lat! 


Basim Shamsuddin Eric Cheng
Laura Gomez Hernandez
John Kerner Hayden Van Slooten
Sara Armstrong
Sepideh Merikhipour
Laid Omeri Andrew Hunt Dominika Opolska Yuxin Ma Mix Wu Luis Vasquez
Catherine Ayers
Violeta Stoyanova
Wenda Wei
Yujin Park

John Ronan- Principal of John Ronan Architects